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Doctor... who?

So, who is this Doctor and what's this all about then?

This page will reveal all... well... as much as possible.

From the birth of an idea in 1963 through the changes over the next 25 years, the reality behind the sci-fi show is well documented in numerous places but this will be my take on it.

Sub-pages will take you through the various faces/personalities of the Doctor:
  1. William Hartnell
  2. Patrick Troughton
  3. Jon Pertwee
  4. Tom Baker
  5. Peter Davison
  6. Colin Baker
  7. Sylvester McCoy
  8. Paul McGann
  9. Christopher Eccleston
  10. David Tennant
  11. Matt Smith
  12. Peter Capaldi
And of course, they will be interconnected with their companions...

Looking at the BBC Archives gives an interesting context for the early years of Doctor Who. For example, their initial report into the possibility of making a science fiction program has these opinions...
SF is largely a short story medium. Inherently, SF ideas are short-winded. The interest invariably lies in the activating idea and not in character drama... The ideas are often fascinating, but so bizarre as to sustain conviction only with difficulty over any extended treatment.
Something forgotten in the late 60s when making serials in 7 or more parts...
Audiences - we think - are as yet not interested in the mere exploitation of ideas... it is significant that SF is not itself a wildly popular branch of fiction - nothing like, for example, detective and thriller fiction. It doesn't appeal much to women and largely finds its public in the technically minded younger groups. SF is a most fruitful and exciting area of exploration - but so far has not shown itself capable of supporting a large population.
Charles Eric Maine,... is too much a fantasist: he is obsessed with the Time theme, time-travel, fourth dimensions and so on - and we consider this indigestible stuff for the audience.
and here we are travelling in a time machine! The Doctor's first adventure would be in the past and his second in the future...