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Beware of...

The Doctor and the Monsters, you can't have one without the other. The Doctor, however, is reluctant to use the term 'Monsters' or even 'Aliens' since he is alien himself. Sometimes he finds himself pitted against adversaries who are monstrous in nature rather than appearance so it is perhaps too ambiguous a word to use loosely. Another alternative might be 'Creatures' but not all creatures are enemies and, again, not all enemies are creatures.

The Doctor has met many adversaries over the years and some just keep coming back. I intend to list the regulars first then expand to include important or impressive one-off enemies. There will be a list on this page and in some cases, if not all, they will also have their own page

...the baddies!

This will be a fairly random list to start with and I've added a quick image because there's just too much writing on this site and not enough pictures yet!

  • Daleks
  • Cybermen
  • Yeti
  • Silurians (Eocene / Homo Reptilia)
  • Sea Devils (close relations to the Silurians)
  • Weeping Angels
  • The Master
  • Sontarans
  • Ice Warriors